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QR Codes

Some Days, my brain actually! My client, PR & District Christmas Cheer Committe asked me to print out the "donate bottle refund" ad, go to the Return It Bottle Depot and ask to have the poster put up, (hopefully near the debit machine heh!) I dropped the print off and just as I was getting in the car, I had this idea, "what if a QR Code could be created and included on the printed out version of the ad, that would link people to the Client's website?" "ZOINKS!!!" Well! Let's give this a whirl!

Went back to the office, Googled "Free QR Codes" and came across a freebie one on Vistaprint...tried it out...and...voila! It worked! Took the ad back into Canva and inserted the code. Went back to Staples, printed it out and went back to the bottle depot and asked them to swap out the current one with the QR code one and they complied. I figure, this would be more helpful to the organization, with hopefully getting people to click on the QR code which directly links them to their website to get more information about the program! Try out the QR Code on the poster below!


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